Thank you for your interest in our Social Media Response Team positions, and welcome to the next phase in the process! In order to help us get a feel for your knowledge of Legion M and your writing style, we have developed a short test.

Listed below are 10 questions/comments that are typical of what we receive on social media. Some of the questions will have specific answers, others will need to be crafted from bits and pieces of information, and a few won’t have a specific answer so you’ll just have to be creative! We’ve also included two extra credit questions that will help us get to know you a little better.

Your goal in responding to these comments is to answer the questions accurately and concisely with a friendly and welcoming Legion M voice. When appropriate, we like to link to external resources (e.g. FAQs, articles, and web pages) where those who are interested can find more information.

Before you begin, please review the FAQ and article found at this link. Most of the questions will have something to do with the topics discussed in those two pages.

Once you have reviewed them, you can begin the test below. Please answer each question as if you are responding as Legion M to a Facebook comment. Take as much time as you need to review the materials and answer the questions/comments, but all completed tests should be submitted by end-of-day Sunday July 7th.

If your situation changes to where you are no longer available, or no longer interested in the position, please fill out your name and email address, and indicate in the Comments section that you want to withdraw your application.


Please answer the questions below as if you’re responding as Legion M to a Facebook comment.
Tests should be submitted by end-of-day on Sunday July 7th.